It’s great to be back in MD – a place I called home for the better part of 20 years. Especially since I get to spend time with the grandkids! I arrived in Lothian on May 1st, and will be here through the end of Aug. During that time, I’m looking forward to spending lots of time with friends and family. The weather has been a bit crazy so far, ranging from running the heat to the air conditioning – at times all within the span of the same day. I’m hopeful this will settle down soon, and I can finally plan my attire accordingly (to my brothers – I’m still not wearing shorts!). Also, this month marks my third Nomadiversary! I moved into my RV full time in May of 2018, and have lived in it ever since. Other than the Covid pandemic, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve had a blast traveling and exploring the country, reconnecting with family and friends – some I’ve not seen in decades, and enjoying the bountiful collection of sites and scenery this wonderful country has to offer. It was unfortunate to have to suspend my travels due to the pandemic, but I certainly look forward to getting back on the travel bandwagon hopefully in the spring of 2022.
Visiting Friends & Family
I’ve spent the first month here in MD mostly focusing on visiting with friends and family. To be honest, I had lived in MD for over 20 years, so sightseeing is not a top priority. Getting time with the daughters and grand kids is the top priority. This included some Pop-Pop snuggle time with the grand daughters – Raelynn and Savannah – roughly 3 and 1 respectively. Full of life and energy, these two can definitely keep you busy. Hats off to my daughter Samantha for being a stay-at-home mom and keeping charge over these two with their endless shenanigans. But I’ve gotta say, both the girls are the best at snuggling – even if its only short lived given
their limited attention span.
I’ve had the opportunity to share several meals with friends and family during this month. I had a sushi lunch with Ashley and AJ, though not at my favorite place San Sushi in Towson, as they were closed for some sort of infrastructure issue. So, up the street to Sushi Hana we went. The sushi was not as good as at San’s, but the company was great. Even AJ had a sushi roll. He’s come a long way in opening up to trying new things. Way to go AJ! A week or so later, we all met up at Sam & Ryan’s place and had a crab feast. Its been several years since I’ve had MD Blue Crabs, so it was something that was definitely on my list. The weather was fabulous, and their water-front back yard made for a perfect picnic location. Also during the week, I had the pleasure of catching up with two former workmates – Judi and Bill. Its been a while since I’d seen them, and it was great to catch up on their work and families. We didn’t spend too much time on the work thing, but with what little time there was spent, it was once again a wonderful reminder of how pleased I am to be retired! I also had dinner with friends Tom and Mary Ann, but sadly neglected to grab a photo. But, I’ll certainly be seeing them on several more occasions in the coming weeks – especially checking out their new home in DE.
On a cold and wet and miserable day, Samantha thought it would be a good idea to go on a pirate boat ride. Actually, it was a great idea and at the time it was made, the weather was not that bad. Sadly, a cold and rainy front rolled in just as we were getting ready to board. They were all dressed in fitting pirate garb, while I simply dawned a pirate-like eye patch (over my bad eye of course). We sailed around the Baltimore Harbor playing various pirate games, and occasionally got into water gun battles to keep the enemy at bay. Despite the lousy weather, everyone did have a great
time with their “Arrrrg” and “Scurvy” ways. And we learned some things – like a pirates favorite cereal – why Capn’ Crunch of course!
I’m definitely enjoying time with the grand kids. They continue to grow each time that I see them. Savannah is a curious and adventurous little one, who still puts pretty much everything she finds in her mouth. Raelynn is a dress up fashion queen who has a closet full of various princess and other character outfits. And AJ is growing up to be a smart, wonderful, and caring young boy. I’m especially proud of him as he, like many of his peers, spent the better part of last year going to school via a laptop. This was no easy task, but he stuck with it and came through with flying colors! Fortunately, he recently began having in-person school again, which he is very happy about. Great job sticking with the pandemic version of school, and doing so well despite all the crazy challenges. So proud of you!
Lastly, I was very pleased and honored to be invited to my niece Alyssa’s high school graduation. While she is not technically my niece, she is my sister-in-laws niece, and I’ve known her since she was a tiny tot and have always considered her to be my niece. We’ve gone on many, many camping trips together over the past 15+ years so she has always been considered family. So when the offer was made to be among the select few to watch her walk across the stage in her cap and gown, I was thrilled. She attended a very small school, with only about 25 total in the graduating class. This small class size afforded them the opportunity to do something that would otherwise be unheard of in a large graduating class. As each graduate was to receive their diploma, they were brought up one by one and were introduced by a teacher of their choosing. These teachers then spoke for several minutes sharing various stories and anecdotes about their experience teaching their accompanying student. It provided an interesting, and often comical insight into each of the graduating seniors. I’ve got to say it was one of the quickest and most enjoyable graduations I’ve sat through. After the ceremony, we all ventured to a local sushi house and had a boat full of wonderful sashimi and maki rolls. Thanks for the invite Alyssa, and congratulations on completing High School. I look forward to watching you continue to grow and learn, as you work towards your lifelong career goals. Well done!
Final Thoughts
Well, that’s about all I’ve got to report for this month. It certainly went by quickly, and I hope my remaining three months don’t evaporate as seemingly quick as this one has. Otherwise, before I know it, I’ll be heading out of here back to FL. Next month is gonna be busy. I’m leaving the RV behind and heading up to New England for a roughly 10 day trip. I’ll spend a week in my hometown of Nashua NH catching up with some friends and family, as well as attending a gathering with several of my Class of ’73 elementary school classmates. That will be great fun! Then, I’ll be off to RI for a couple days to attend my nephew Nick’s wedding – which was rescheduled from last year due to the pandemic. Then, its off to VT for a couple days, to fulfill my deceased brother’s final wishes regarding the spreading of his ashes. I’ll also no doubt be spending lots more time with the kids and grands next month. So, till then, be well and safe travels!
Have fun with your kids and grandkids! See you when you get back.
I certainly will. I don’t recall when your cross country trip is scheduled for, but if it’s over the summer, have a blast! See ya this winter.
Had you thought about a visit to Bob and Maury’s “Computer Museum”? If so, I would love to visit along with you!
I’ve not been there in several years, and would enjoy a trip up there with you. I’ll reach out to them to get a sense of the best time to visit, and will get back to you. Let’s make a day of it and grab lunch too.
Enjoy your time with your family. The grandkids are super cute!
It sounds like you are having a great time with the family. See you in a few weeks.
Awesome blog. Hope to see you soon.
Hi Cruz. Glad you’re have some family time. Enjoy those grandkids.